Monday, April 30, 2018

Union City Indiana, A Great Place to Visit

Union City Indiana

For those who enjoy grasping history by the coattails and swiveling it around for a good face to face encounter, Union City Indiana is a place to visit. I count at least three antique stores supported by a pride of city legacy that any municipality would envy!
Susan Linder

Susan Linder, owner of the Union City Christian Bookstore and President of the local Chamber of Commerce, was very helpful regarding my interest in the history of this city. She directed me to the statute of founding father Jeremiah Smith  in front of the Union City Library, a Carnegie library.
Union City is also home to a former Indiana governor Isaac P. Gray.
Founder Jeremiah Smith

This city carries much historic wealth. But it also lives in the present with a peaceful and pleasant nature. It is a clean city. It is an appealing city.
The Union City Christian Bookstore is one place that lives in the present and looks toward the future.
For those who enjoy collecting antiques, on Saturday, September 22, 2018, there will be a “Gathering of Street Side Vendors and Antique Auction” sponsored by the Union City Chamber of Commerce. From 9 AM until 4 PM one can spend some time engaging in the commerce of antiques. I encourage you to visit. You never know what great deal you may run upon.
Susan Linder with customer Audrey Wild

Of course you don’t have to wait until September to visit. While I was at the bookstore, customer Audrey Wild handed me an invitation to the “Church of God”. Now that’s what I call always being prepared!
As I am a United Methodist Pastor, I could not help but notice the Wesley UMC in Union City.
Yes, Union City has a wonderful history. It lives a vibrant present. It reaches toward the future with an optimistic attitude. And much more important, I was impressed by the hospitality of everyone I spoke with. Union City not only wants a face to face encounter, she intends to pull her history forward into a relevant and vibrant future!
I encourage you to visit! And tell them Mike sent you!
A beautiful library
A clean and pleasing city!

The Union City Christian Bookstore sells books!

Wesley United Methodist Church

Wonderful window at the WesleY UMC
The Union City Christian Bookstore sells jewelry.