Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Hey brother, how's your mind? Alisha Merrick and 3 John 1:2

Peace medallions created by artist Alisha Merrick

During the years of 1969-1971 my wanna-be hippie friends and I would greet each other with “Hey, brother, how’s your mind?” Back in those days there was a focus on mind-expansion, creativity, and release from the burdensome expectations of the Establishment. And so, we valued the state of the mind.
    A healthy mind was at peace from anxiety or stress caused by the evils of greed, hatred, and pursuit of status.
    A healthy mind was open to all persons regardless of religion, language, or nationality.
    A healthy mind was eager to hear the latest declarations from the vinyl prophets like the Youngbloods with “Get Together” or Jackie Deshannon with “Put a Little Love in Your Heart”.
   Ah, the days of youthful naivety.
   John Wesley, accidental founder of the Methodist movement, would open meetings with “How is it with your soul?” I think he was inspired by 3 John: 1: 2 Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

While the vinyl prophets of the 1960s have moved on from their “peace and love” movement, The Methodist Movement continues. And so, it is a relevant question “How is it with your soul?”
   I pray that you enjoy health. I pray that all goes your way today. I pray that you are affirmed to the core of your soul.
   Also, I can’t help it…all of those sentiments are carried in my decades old sentiment “Hey brother, or sister, how’s your mind?

ps. you can find out more about Alisha Merrick's art here: