Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Celebrate National Punctuation Day, September 24


    Earlier this year on Facebook, yes, that ” know-it-all, free- for- all, last word of all things” reported the story of a student asking a teacher if a word needed a “flying comma”, referring to an apostrophe.

    The story inspired me to consider that the use of a “flying comma” would be quite glidingly appropriate when discussing aeronautics.

 However, if we were to have a discussion regarding the art and application of magic then perhaps “Levitating Comma” might insinuate a more conjuring impact.

If we are in the sanctuary and working with ceremonial, sacred, and liturgical matters, I would encourage the use of “Comma of Ascension” so as to invoke a sense of divine ephemera.

In the field of Olympic Gymnastics perhaps we could jump to “Acrobatic comma” to give the sentence the excitement of a “Mary Lou” tumble and twirl.

And in the academic field of physics, we may imbue our sentence with an Einsteinian attribute with use of a “Gravity resistant comma”.

Of course, we could leave it with its conventional and historic nomenclature without any pretentious descriptive accoutrement and allow it to retain its humble persona as a down-to-Earth “non-condescending apostrophe”.

Whichever you choose to use, take care to not confuse, as I assert…

Happy’ National, Punctuation’ Day!