Friday, May 17, 2024

Concord High School Honors Night 1974: A memoir



That's me, front row. The "C" stands for Charles, my first name.

     My 24, 1974, yes, fifty years ago, Concord High School held our Honors Night program.

Thank goodness for there being a Library for me to work in otherwise I would not have had opportunity to accept an award, as pictured below, before assembled classmates, their parents, teachers, and administrators on that stage in that affectionally-remembered auditorium.

Having no musical talent, I was not in band or choir, nor did I participate in sporting events which call for physical duration and strength, nor did I have the projection of voice for theater.  I have no high school trophies or framed newspaper reports to adorn walls, shelves, or tables so as to impress visitors with stories of glory. But, by golly gee whiz did I know how to navigate the Dewey Decimal system! I know how to get you to the book you want! “Need Cliff’s Notes for that Shakespeare play? Gotcha covered, brother!”. ”Seeking a biography of King Edward VII? Follow me, sister!” I can even find that obscure recording of Gloriana by Benjamin Britten if that is your musical taste!

 And therefore, I am happy to claim, and exalt, and present this pictured charm as my award for Library Service.

 Yes, fifty years I have held on to this memento.

But seriously, I offer sincere accolades to all my classmates who achieved academic, athletic, artistic, or other school disciple success that year!

You can read about them in this Elkhart Truth article which James Clouse recently posted on Facebook.

And let’s all recommit to our class moto: