Thursday, February 6, 2025

Churches Should Be Diligent to Observe Property Tax Exemption Law


Disclaimer: I am not an attorney. Consult with your attorney regarding your specific situation in the following matter.

I am a pastor of two churches and I serve as a member of Elkhart County Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals 


    The purpose of this blog- post is to make an appeal to church leadership to attend to Indiana Code regarding property tax exemption of their real estate.

The Code to which I refer is: IC 6-1.1-10-21

As, in Indiana, real estate used for religious purposes is exempt from taxation, this has the practical effect of shifting tax burden to other property tax- payers. Whatever county you may reside in, a quick survey of the number of religious institutions will reveal many thousands of acres exempt from taxation. If we were to assume a low-end value of $10,000 per acre, we can conclude that there is much community subsidy of those religious activities.

   Churches and other religious institutions should find ways to be good neighbors in their local communities.

   A more pressing matter is the use of parsonages, again, IC 6-1.1-10-21 will provide information as to when a parsonage can be tax exempt.

  If  a church, which is renting its parsonage, is not compliant with IC 6-1.1-10-21, then they are operating as a landlord with an unfair advantage over legitimate landlords in the community who do in fact pay taxes.

    Churches and other religious organizations should be proactive and diligent towards making sure that they are in compliance with Indiana Code regarding their parsonages.

    If we are to have authentic witness in the community, we need to do more than express love and care for the community with words. We need to take the initiative to make sure we are not passing along undue burden of taxation to them. And also, we must see to it that we are not exercising an unfair advantage over landlords in the community.

Give the relevant code a read, you may be surprised.

IC 6-1.1-10-21