Monday, July 19, 2021

Praise God with Tambourine Too!


    Greetings Sisters and Brothers who daily and diligently look to Christ…

    Psalm  92:1 It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to your name, O Most High;
92:2 to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night,
92:3 to the music of the lute and the harp, to the melody of the lyre.
92:4 For you, O LORD, have made me glad by your work; at the works of your hands I sing for joy.


    The Psalms consistently recognize that it is the work of God that we are glad!

This Psalm acknowledges that the psalmist is praising God morning and night. I  take that to mean that he praises all through the day! The use of  “book-ends” in the Bible is not to be taken to exclude the “in-between “ stuff. Just because God created the day and the night doesn’t mean that we don’t have dusk, the transition between day and night. Just because He is characterized as the Alpha and Omega doesn’t mean that he is absent in the rest of the alphabet. Contrast is consistently used in the Bible to include the gradations in between.

The mentioning of the music of the lute and harp may be an encouragement that what ever skill or interest we have we may use that to praise. The lute and harp are mentioned purely because David wrote the psalm and music was his skill and interest. I doubt that God would leave out those lacking in skill of musical instruments. Praise God with your mechanical abilities, your healing skills, your art, your words, your charity all through the day!

 The psalmist begins the day with praise, walks through the day with God, and ends the day thankful. He recognizes the great characteristics of God in steadfast love and faithfulness as he begins and concludes the day.

I suppose it would be a good and healthy habit to begin the day with some good word to the Lord, and then, no matter what happens through the day to continue to praise, and to conclude the day with some thankful regard for our opportunity for rest in the evening.

Let us always remember that God is indeed steadfast in love and that all through the day, let’s not miss out of one minute of it (or of any of the moments in between the minutes)!

Peace this day and well beyond, Mike