Friday, March 24, 2017

An early anniversary sentiment for Sherry

My wife, Sherry Borglum, has a wonderful habit of presenting me with gifts prematurely. Whether it is Christmas, Birthday, or anniversary, I can expect to receive the gift days or even weeks ahead of time. She just can't contain or restrain the excitement.
I now know the feeling. I was hoping to make this "Happy Anniversary" gesture on our anniversary, April 24, but...I can't wait.
Sherry...thank you for being supportive of my interest in the Mad Ants, Science Fiction Movies, the Celebration for the Release of the Sgt. Pepper album, running you here and there for various endeavors, and always being happily engaged!
Happy Anniversary one month ahead of time. Just for being so supportive, I'll take you to Gatlinburg!

I claim "SB" as standing for Sherry Borglum