Thursday, November 3, 2016

Demise of a Cultural Cliche or "the Cubs Win!"

There are phrases that articulate a sentiment of futility. Probably the most common is “when hell freezes over”, meaning “that will never happen”.
There are other, perhaps more personal sentiments such as “when I win the lottery” or “when my kids leave home”. People are creative at expressing frustration!
    Also, we often use cultural cliché to get that same sentiment across. I remember during the nineteen seventies hearing “When the Beatles get back together!”
   All of these phrases express a sense of futility, hopelessness.
   All of my life (and I am sixty-one) I have heard the cliché “when the Cubs win the world series”. That phrase expressed, in somewhat humorous form, the futile nature of their immediate concern combined with their frustration over their favorite baseball team’s poor fortunes, year after year, decade after decade.
    Well, I suppose not every cliché can live forever.
Last night, or should I say very early this morning, the Cubs defeated the Cleveland Indians to win the 2016 World Series.
Congratulations Cubs!
But then, that victory also brought the death of a well-used, descriptive cliché by which frustration, futility could be communicated. We have lost a wonderful descriptor in the English language.
I suppose it is too early and a bit insensitive to begin using the cliché “When the Indians win the World Series”.
Perhaps we will have to temporarily go back to the “hell freezing” cliché to express ourselves. But fear not, humans are really good at noticing and articulating the negative. We will have a new cliché soon.
In the moment though, again I congratulate the Cubs for their victory.

Much more importantly, I congratulate their fans for a display of loyalty that is superbly admirable! Your faithfulness speaks to the human quality of expecting something wonderful even in the face of futility. May we all learn that lesson from you and apply it to expecting something good and wonderful from ourselves, our fellow man, and our futures!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Indiana National Road, The Hoosier Gym, and the Hoosier 40

    The National Road was an early road project of the Federal government. Work began in 1811. Beginning in Cumberland Maryland and concluding in Vandalia Illinois, this historic road crosses through the State of Indiana as US Route 40. In fact, US 40 was built upon the National Road.
The Hoosier Gym

The Indiana National Road Association held its annual business meeting and dinner on October 27, 2016 in the Hoosier Gym located in Knightstown Indiana. This is the gym that was used for the filming of the great basketball movie 'Hoosiers" featuring Gene Hackman.
This historic gym was used as a regular high school gymnasium until 1966 at which time it became an elementary school gym. Around 1985 it was decided that it would no ,longer be a gym as the community was building newer facilities. Hence a perfect location for the movie.

Wade Schenk, "Ollie"

 Fitting with the location for this meeting, the Association invited Wade Schenck, who played "Ollie" in the movie to speak. He reported that while it was a fun experience to appear in the movie, he preferred to stay on his family farm rather than try to be a professional actor.

  You never know who you will meet at these events. At my table I met Scott and Rene Booker who are in the process of researching and writing a book about the Indiana section of the National Road.
   They call their book and project "The Hoosier 40".

Scott and Rene Booker
 The book will cover the stretch of the national Road between Richmond Indiana and Terre Haute Indiana. Scott and Rene are spending time interviewing business owners along that stretch of road. They are researching the history of the communities. This young and excited couple hope to create a book based upon the lives of real people along this historic road rather than an academic collection of facts. They seek a personal, warm, and meaningful story rather than a cold and flat journey to irrelevant data.

  This makes sense. Scott and Rene are warm and engaging. It will take you about thirty seconds to feel as though you have known them since elementary school. I'm sure with that kind of inviting personality people will open up to tell their stories.
If you would like to follow the progress on this book, please visit

If you would like to learn more about the Indiana National Road Association visit

And tell them Mike sent you!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Indiana Poet Laureate: Shari Wagner

   Shari Wagner, Indiana’s Poet Laureate, read poetry last night at Goshen College.
A gathering of about forty-five people created an audience who laughed lightly from time to time, inspired by the humor in her poetry. And we sighed a few times as that same poetry spoke of human tragedy, frailty, and the natural circumstances of aging. Shari’s poetry collects the human experience and presents it as a graspable, if momentary, celebration of life, history, relationship, and personal meaning.
    Of the poems she read last night, my favorite was “Lerner Theatre 1953”. The poem began as an investigation of the Lerner Theatre, but turned into a very personal, and amusing point of history involving her mother. I will encourage the reader to visit
to read the poem. Or better yet, purchase a copy of “The Harmonist at Nightfall”.
This poem, “Lerner Theatre” has this wonderful phrase which is typical of Shari’s poetry and invites the reader to continue…
“with the click of her blue stilettos on terrazzo stone”
I love that phrase! It engages as least two of the senses!
Shari explains that she, as Poet Laureate, works as “an ambassador for poetry. To promote reading and writing of poetry. And also to form poetry groups.”
She provides an obvious and encouraging comfort while reading such that one forgets that he is in a formal college facility. It felt like being in a living room at a friend’s home.
As she read and explained the background of her poetry, it became clear that she does not just pen whatever momentary thought appears, she researches her poetic projects carefully. She does not merely describe an observed moment in the past or present, she discovers the life in that moment and brings it forward for us today.
Shari autographing my books

Her explanations of her poetry are also amusing.
While describing the history and circumstances of writing ‘James Dean Grave”, she informed us that there is a person appointed to attend to James Dean’s grave. This person wipes away the lipstick of kisses from the stone, he removes cigarette remains, and love letters left as a memorial.
If you have an opportunity to hear her read, it is well worth the time. She is amusing, engaging, artful, and all things wonderful enough to share an hour of your life with.
You can find out more about Shari Wagner at:

and tell her Mike sent you!

For the next aspiring poet!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Shea Sorenson: A Ceremonious Conclusion to Summer!

Shea Sorenson in Elkhart

Some people carry a pleasantness about them to which you just have to surrender! Shea Sorenson, weather specialist for ABC 57 News is one such person.
    This morning, on my way to walk at Wellfield Botanic Gardens in Elkhart, I stopped at the North Main Street 7/11 to get gas. There was Shea, having filled up already she was just about to leave when I raised my left hand, index finger prompting her to wait. She rolled down her window and I asked if I could take a photo. She, in a courteous manner that reflects well upon ABC 57, smiled and said “Yes”.
    She stepped out of her car and posed as I took two photos. I can say…
Shea carries a fetching smile that is in person true to her television appearance. She makes sincere eye contact befriending just about immediately. And her handshake is personally affirming.
ABC57, whoever chooses your weather personnel has done a good job.
   I have had a good summer. A vacation to Smokey Mountains, the musical 1776 at South Bend Civic Theater, a successful Celebration of the Declaration of Independence at my church, Claypool United Methodist Church, I got caught up with a friend I had not seen in 46 years, I went to a Melanie concert. And today, the last day of summer, purely by happenstance, I see Shea Sorenson who serves as a wonderful exclamation mark to a paragraph in my life I call summer 2016!

Thank you Shea!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Melanie Safka and Peter Schekeryk...Forever

Mike and Melanie

Dedicated to Peter Schekeryk
Husband, Father, Producer Ad Infinitum
   In the early summer of 1970 my grandparents, with whom I lived, were driving me to Detroit Michigan to stay a few weeks with my mother. As we approached Detroit on Interstate 94, I heard a rumble. My grandfather heard the same rumble. He pulled the car over to the shoulder and investigated. Flat tire, passenger, rear.

Add capClkw photo credit:

So we opened the trunk and he proceeded to change the tire. Having my transistor radio with me, I tuned into CKLW, a Windsor Ontario station, to listen to the Rock tunes. It was at that time, along interstate 94, right alongside where the giant Uniroyal Tire stood, that I first heard “Lay Down” by Melanie.
Add capUniroyal tire credit:

   I was instantly a fan of Melanie. I loved the sentiment of the song. Yes, I had peace and love and brotherhood values. I was a wanna be hippy living a conventional life. But I could live that hippy life through Melanie!
    Upon reaching Detroit, I looked for the nearest rock record store. I found the perfect one. It was lighted by blue light. It was fragranced by incense. It had a one- page newsletter that dated itself according to “the revolution”. This date read “June, 2nd year of the Revolution”. I assumed they counted from the 1968 Chicago march at the Democratic Convention (the whole world’s watching). Yes, the perfect place to ask about the new Melanie single “Lay Down”. Of course they had it. They specialized in hippy, peace and love culture.
   I continued being a Melanie fan. “Peace Will Come”, “The Good Book”, “Gather Me”, “Stoneground Words” and more. I always wanted to attend a Melanie concert but they were always out of reach.
   Until, Friday, September 16 at the Green Wood Coffee House in Ann Arbor Michigan. I find it interesting that the location of the Melanie concert I got to attend was so close to the Allen Park Michigan location where I first heard her on the radio.
    With her accomplished son, Beau, to her right, and a vase of flowers to her left, Melanie greeted the assembled multitude with “Wow, it feels like I was just here.” And she was just there about this time last year. The crowd, obvious regulars, clapped in affirmation.
    As if an homage to her fans and her place in their hearts and history, Melanie opened with “Beautiful People”, delivering a performance undiminished by time or age. Melanie made the song as crisply present as ever it originally was.
   There were about two and a half hours of amusing as well as informative story, song and interaction with the crowd. We enjoyed a career’s breadth of material.
“Jamming Alone”, “I tried to Die Young”, “Rock and Roll Heart”,”Do You Believe”, of course “Lay Down”, and many others including my favorite, the amusing, “Alexander Beetle”.
   As this post is dedicated to Peter Schekeryk, I would be negligent in my attempt to show proper respect if I not mention Beau, his son…
Folks, from what I heard last night, Beau, who accompanied Melanie, and performed a few instrumental numbers by himself, is as good as any legendary rock guitarist we have ever heard, Hendrix, Santana, Jimmy Page, and others not coming to mind. He plays flamenco style guitar with an entertaining skill worthy of much more attention than he receives. If you ever have a chance to attend a Melanie concert, expect much from Beau as well. Melanie referred to him as “my second mind”.
   And of course Beau’s sisters, Jeordie and Leilah, also have musical skills and careers worthy of checking out.
    Melanie presented much more than just an exercise in nostalgia. Melanie has managed to gently bring along whatever, and whoever she was in 1968, 1969, and all years to this very present. She reminds us that our past is truly not a static thing set in the irretrievable distance. Our past lives within us at this present moment and as we approach the future, we bring along with us more and more of who we are. Melanie invites the future to cooperate, participate in our celebrations of the moment.
   It was indeed a great performance. But also, for me, it satisfied a forty-six year old wish to hear Melanie perform live.
   After the concert I waited in line to have Melanie autograph the 45 RPM which I purchased at the record store in 1970. And also to have my photo taken with her, evidence I suppose that “I was really there.”
my copy of "Lay Down", purchased in Detroit 1970, autographed by Melanie

   As I approached the table, I extended my hand to shake her hand, I made deliberate eye contact, and I confess that for a moment I thought “wow, I am shaking the hand of someone who performed at Woodstock!”. That moment was brief. As I stood at the table, having my photo taken, I asked Melanie…”when and where did you and Peter meet?” I am a romantic, and I was hoping to hear some romantic story about how she spilled tea on him at some coffee shop, or how she tripped and fell into his arms. But the answer I received was “we were in New York, he was a producer and I was his client”. Now, I am sure that there is a romantic version that the children know. But this account was meaningful enough to me, a fan. This account firmly focused on the music.  This account presented to me what was intended by Peter and Melanie all those years of making records, that they were a team, musically, ethically, respecting their fans. I was pleased to accept, as a gift, that which I was intended to enjoy and appreciate... the music which they created together.
    True, it wasn’t only Melanie that captured my musical interest along interstate 94 as the tire was being changed. I am a fan of production. I find as much satisfaction in paying attention to the mixing of stereo effect, vocals, instruments, background, and so I became a fan of producer Peter Schekeryk also. It turns out that they, Melanie and Peter, were a very well-matched couple, in music, and in life. I celebrate their lives together and I continue to remember Peter each time I hear a Melanie record played. Peter continues to live in the musical influence and effect which he brought to Melanie.
It’s a long time from being fifteen years of age in 1970 to a sixty-one-year-old in 2016. But, never did I forget. There is this quip about the 1960s that goes “if you can remember the 60s, you weren’t really there.” I always thought that to be much uninformed rhetoric. Melanie has a lyric that better brings the true point…
To be there is to remember 
Lay it down again 
Lay down 
Lay down 
Lay it down again 
Men can live as brothers 
Candles in the rain..”
Melanie's guitar, post performance

Additional information regarding 1970: Melanie reaches number 10 on CKLW survey: Paul McCartney, Jackson 5, Carpenters, Elvis, Beatles…she’s in pretty lofty company!
CKLW, Detroit/Windsor,
Survey previewed Monday June 22, 1970
TW  TITLE                          ARTIST                  LW
 1. Ball of Confusion              Temptations              2
 2. Hitchin a Ride                 Vanity Fare              3
 3. Why Cant I Touch You           Ronnie Dyson            10
 4. Ooh Child                      5 Stairsteps             1
 5. Mama Told Me                   Three Dog Night          6
 6. The Love You Save              Jackson 5                5
 7. The Wonder of You              Elvis Presley            9
 8. That Same Old Feeling          Pickettywitch            4
 9. How Bout a Little Hand         Boys in the Band         8
10. Lay Down (Candles in the Rain) Melanie                 20
11. Vibrations                     Eric & The Vikings      19
12. Ride Captian Ride              Blues Image             17
13. Drop by my Place               Carl Carlton            16
14. You've Been My Inspiration     Main Ingredient         21
15. Save the Country               Fifth Dimension         18
16. Maybe I'm Amazed               Paul McCartney          15
17. Gimme Dat Ding                 Pipkins                 28
18. Love on a TWo Way Street       Moments                 12
19. Long & Winding Road            Beatles                  7
20. Signed Sealed Delivered        Stevie Wonder           --
21. Tighter Tighter                Alive & Kicking         26
22. Mississippi Queen              Mountain                13
23. Steal Away                     Johnny Taylor           --
24. The End of the Road            Marvin Gaye             27
25. Pearl                          Tommy Roe               29
26. Are You Ready                  Pacific Gas & Eletric   --
27. Cinnamon Girl                  Neil Young              30
28. Come on Down                   Savage Grace            --
29. Close to You                   Carpenters              --
30. Lay a Little Love on Me        Robin McNamara          --
   Spill the Wine - Eric Burdon & War

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Princess Leia, 2016 Indiana PopCon, and Mike Being Mike

    This last June, my son, Eric, and I were in Indianapolis for an event at the Indiana Convention Center. Also taking place was the 2016 Indiana Popcon.
At the end of activities one day, Eric and I took time to have dinner at the local Steak N Shake. Many Popcon participants were also there having dinner. At one point I noticed, dressed in obvious character, Princess Leia at the counter to pay her bill.
   I immediately seized upon the opportunity to create a charming, if silly, moment.

    Having in my shirt pocket only a receipt from an earlier purchase, and an ink pen, I approached Princess Leia and requested her autograph. She maintained character as she signed “To Mike  Princess Leia” on the back of the receipt. And then, adding her own sense of charm and memorable moment, she pressed her lips to the paper; she smiled and handed it to me, saying “your welcome”, as I thanked her.
Princess Leia's autograph and pressed lips to right of autograph.

While I have never met Carrie Fisher, and surely she is wonderful as Princess Leia, I am convinced this moment at Steak N Shake would be superior to a moment meeting Carrie Fisher. Again, not discrediting Carrie in any way, but the charm of this moment, the creative initiative of this “Princess Leia” rests in my heart as one of those wonderful, small, instances of life of which poets write poetry and bloggers post blogs.

    I imagine life has many such opportunities for those who respond to an idea, take a chance of making a fool of oneself, and wish to see what surprising thing might happen,

Monday, June 27, 2016

LeBron James got nothin' on Elizabeth Mis!

Elizabeth Mis at Elkhart Jazz Festival

Cleveland Ohio has much to celebrate! Cleveland is home to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Cleveland obviously has invested in music.
Cleveland is home to the Cavaliers who have just won an amazing come from behind victory. And of course Cleveland has LeBron James who makes each play seem smooth and classy.
Smooth and classy describes someone else from this proud city of Cleveland.
Elizabeth Mis (pronounced “miss”) also claims Cleveland as home.

Elizabeth is a very accomplished soprano saxophonist!
My wife, Sherry, and I had opportunity to hear her play at the Elkhart Jazz Festival this last weekend.
She describes her music as “a fresh sound for smooth jazz”. And I surely agree with that point though I find it a bit modest.
Elizabeth is superlative in talent, charisma, stage presence and smile. She delivers an unsurrendering optimism with a constant smile that invites the audience to smile along.
Many professionals will tell you that this saxophone is a truly challenging instrument to play.
Elizabeth makes it sound smooth and classy, like LeBron James “in the zone”. Elizabeth seems to cause this unwieldy instrument to reach beyond what it was designed for as she gracefully moves her fingers across the responsive keys. Each note seamlessly moves from high to lower giving the audience a sense of immediate presence. We anticipated some new musical discovery as each note was achieved. There were smiles all around. This is a crowd that is accustomed to very professional music and Elizabeth exceeded not only expectations but higher levels of talent that one would think possible. This is a crowd that is hard to impress yet we were much impressed!
A very pleasant experience! I describe her music and the atmosphere it generates as “elastic groove”.
This elastic groove feeling is best discovered in her song “Buggin’”.
Elizabeth enjoys driving a 1969 Volkswagen bug. I imagine her driving on a winding road by a blue lake on one side and rolling hills on the other as soprano saxophone music graces wispy clouds moved by a gentle breeze.
You can find out more about Elizabeth Mis at:

And tell her Mike sent you!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

A Great Place for some Great Ice Cream!

Nappanee Indiana hosts many interesting and attractive places to enjoy the day. It is well worth a visit. Nappanee has wonderful pizza, a great coffee shop, and a fun candy shop.
I know, most wonderful towns have all of those. But Nappanee has something that truly is exceptional in the most superlative sense.
   Nappanee has Rocket Science Ice Cream.
   Owned for a couple of years by Steven and Rochelle Slabaugh, Rocket Science Ice Cream is given full-time attention by this married couple. I asked Rochelle if she was having fun and she replied “I’m having a lot of fun!” And it looks like it!

After you make your choice of flavor the mixing begins. You get to watch as directly before your eyes a milky liquid substance turns into ice cream by application of liquid nitrogen as a freezing agent. Their business card promotes this ice cream as “fresh nitrogen blasted ice cream while you watch”.
You’ll experience a sense of anticipation as you watch your customized flavor being created.
    And it tastes great too!
I had chocolate. It sticks together pretty well. It does not easily “peel away” as does store bought ice cream. Thick on the spoon and smooth on your tongue I say.

My wife, Sherry, and I often enjoy this ice cream.
It’s worth a visit to Nappanee. And tell them Mike sent!

Rocket Science Ice Cream is located at
401 E Market ST. Nappanee, In 46550
You can email them at
You can call them at   574-773-7003

Rocket Science Ice Cream is open:
Monday                  1-8
Tuesday                 12-8
Wednesday            12-8:30
Thursday                12-8:30
Friday                    11:30-9:30

Saturday                11:30-9:30

Oh can purchase a t-shirt while you are to commemorate the experience!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Cathy Wesolek has a message!

   In preparation for the Conference in Indianapolis this last week, I had asked Cathy Wesolek to fill the pulpit for me at the church I serve. I had become friends with Cathy through the North District Lay Servant Academies. In fact she was a student in the Advanced Preaching class that I taught this last spring at Evangel Heights.
   Cathy demonstrates a firm understanding of Wesleyan Theology. She composes and delivers a message that is relevant, engaging, and inspiring.

I am thankful to Cathy for making my week a little more manageable last week. And I encourage my clergy friends who may plan a vacation, encounter an
unexpected event, to contact Cathy and invite her to fill the pulpit for you.
You may contact her at
                                   Or on Facebook.

Your congregation will be inspired!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Steuart and Michelle Pincombe: Music in Familiar Spaces

photo by Mathias Reed
Steuart and Michelle Pincombe move together musically much like a stream moves along its bed. The topography of the bed influences and inspires the movement and cadence of the water, the water shapes the bed. Without identifying which role Steuart and Michelle play, it is obvious that they achieve that relationship together.

I had the pleasure to audience a performance of theirs last night at the Assembly Mennonite Church in Goshen.

Steuart plays a cello built in 1750 in Germany as Michelle sings with fullness and impulse that invites the soul to lay aside its concerns and be enveloped in vocal tone and note that causes the spirit to ascend toward its intended space of being.
That cello, played with precision, sounds like distant, yet comforting thunder as it vibrates out a resonance familiar with my inward space of being. I consider how many musicians have played that cello. I connect with those musicians over decades and centuries. Steuart, with his skill brings all of those musicians into my mind and heart. I feel privileged to be connected with those long gone musicians. Steuart has delivered much more than play of strings on an instrument. He has reminded me that I am more than this present moment. I am in concert in history with many others.

Your personal experience may be somewhat different. Nonetheless it will be satisfying.
I encourage you to visit and become familiar with Steuart and Michelle. Check out their tour information and become a part of a very rare musical experience.
   Oh yes, and tell them Mike sent you.