Thursday, September 29, 2016

Indiana Poet Laureate: Shari Wagner

   Shari Wagner, Indiana’s Poet Laureate, read poetry last night at Goshen College.
A gathering of about forty-five people created an audience who laughed lightly from time to time, inspired by the humor in her poetry. And we sighed a few times as that same poetry spoke of human tragedy, frailty, and the natural circumstances of aging. Shari’s poetry collects the human experience and presents it as a graspable, if momentary, celebration of life, history, relationship, and personal meaning.
    Of the poems she read last night, my favorite was “Lerner Theatre 1953”. The poem began as an investigation of the Lerner Theatre, but turned into a very personal, and amusing point of history involving her mother. I will encourage the reader to visit
to read the poem. Or better yet, purchase a copy of “The Harmonist at Nightfall”.
This poem, “Lerner Theatre” has this wonderful phrase which is typical of Shari’s poetry and invites the reader to continue…
“with the click of her blue stilettos on terrazzo stone”
I love that phrase! It engages as least two of the senses!
Shari explains that she, as Poet Laureate, works as “an ambassador for poetry. To promote reading and writing of poetry. And also to form poetry groups.”
She provides an obvious and encouraging comfort while reading such that one forgets that he is in a formal college facility. It felt like being in a living room at a friend’s home.
As she read and explained the background of her poetry, it became clear that she does not just pen whatever momentary thought appears, she researches her poetic projects carefully. She does not merely describe an observed moment in the past or present, she discovers the life in that moment and brings it forward for us today.
Shari autographing my books

Her explanations of her poetry are also amusing.
While describing the history and circumstances of writing ‘James Dean Grave”, she informed us that there is a person appointed to attend to James Dean’s grave. This person wipes away the lipstick of kisses from the stone, he removes cigarette remains, and love letters left as a memorial.
If you have an opportunity to hear her read, it is well worth the time. She is amusing, engaging, artful, and all things wonderful enough to share an hour of your life with.
You can find out more about Shari Wagner at:

and tell her Mike sent you!

For the next aspiring poet!