Thursday, October 29, 2020

Autumn Excursion at Ox Bow Park Elkhart County Indiana


view from tower
View from Ox Bow View tower

Usually I prefer my autumn days soaked in overcast and slight drizzle as I walk along paths accompanied by my umbrella to cover me and coffee to comfort.

   But today, October 29, 2020, sunny and bright, was quite accommodating as I took a stroll through Ox Bow Park in Elkhart County Indiana.

   As I had no need of an umbrella, I carried my camera through wooded paths and open fields snapping photos at will.

walk way

The falling golden leaves, twirling as if in choreographed dance, seemed to celebrate my presence while adorning my sweater momentarily before continuing their journey to the ground where they found rejoined brethren.

the conquered  tower

    One accomplishment of the day is my ascension to the top of the View tower at the park. When I was a teenager and young adult I had no fear of heights. But age causes uncooperative characteristics to sneak upon one. It is not really a very tall tower. Not any the less, as I ascended the stairs I felt that discomfort happen within my brain. I pressed on. Finally stepping upon the top level I felt a sense of personal achievement. I lingered in that self-satisfaction for a bit, taking photos to prove I was there.

shopping list

    Returning to the ground and walking away I saw a piece of paper hugging the damp grass. I initially dismissed it as unworthy of my attention at first. And then, my sense of incidental discovery burst through the apathy and prompted me to return to the paper and see what treasure may lie there.

It appears to be a shopping list: smoked ched./curried chic. Salad/crostin dessert?/pretzel buns/ cous cous?/cake mix/coffee/take forks plates napkins/go to Asian and German stores?/applewood bacon/mozz./pineapple/pretzel bun?

I love such discoveries. They cause me to imagine stories. I imagine a story about what party or family get-together this list was to accommodate.

The penmanship was pleasant and easy to read. This is obviously a well-organized person. I’m sure their event was a delightfully edible success.

Though born in Lafollette Tennessee and having spent some childhood in Detroit Michigan, I have lived in Elkhart County since 1969. It has become not only my historical home, but also my emotional and personal identity home as well. Today, in Ox Bow park, was one of the very many reasons why that is the case.

quiet and peaceful