Monday, June 28, 2021

As We Revive Methodism, We Revive America


Mike imitating John Wesley

On this day. June 28, within the United Methodist Church, we recognize the birthday of our accidental founder, John Wesley. I say accidental because he did not set out to create a new denomination. Instead, he hoped to revive the Anglican church and spiritual growth of disciples through small group Bible study and accountability to each other in those small groups.

This “method” seems to have worked so very well that as Methodism crossed the Atlantic into a young, recently Independent United States it became successfully embedded into the fabric of American identity. So much so that Article XXIII of the Articles of Religion of the Methodist Church states The President, the Congress, the general assemblies, the governors, and the councils of state, as the delegates of the people, are the rulers of the United States of America, according to the division of power made to them by the Constitution of the United States and by the constitutions of their respective states. And the said states are a sovereign and independent nation, and ought not to be subject to any foreign jurisdiction.

As we move forward into this week and further into the Independence Day weekend let us know that the United Methodist church is a particularly patriotic denomination, acknowledging this independence from Great Britain.

And as we move beyond July 4, 2021, let us revive the Methodist church with a refocus on small group Bible study. I believe it is through the comfortable personal interaction of such small groups that we have the best opportunity to attract the unchurched, dechurched, and otherwise church-inhibited.

There are many people out in the world who seek “belongingness” with people who care to listen and provide their faith stories.

The transformation of the world begins with a few people making a difference in each other’s lives.

A we revive Methodism, we revive America.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

"Welcome Holy Spirit" by Florence Bullis A delightful devotional!


“Welcome Holy Spirit” by Florence Bullis is an inspiring and delightful devotional that will enable group discussion, prompt personal reflection, and increase growth of discipleship among individual readers and participants of small group studies.

   It is a 50 day path to a Spirit-filled life.

Every reading of each day of each week provides Biblical Scripture, the author’s comments on that Scripture, a “word gift” described by the author as “ A gift of the Holy Spirit in the category of prophecy which includes: foretelling, affirming, encouraging, admonition, and exhortation.”

Each reading concludes with a composed prayer.

Florence has also provided encouraging poetry throughout the book.

I have participated in a 50 day devotion with this material as led by author Florence Bullis and I must say the book is very well written and the group sessions were spiritually fulfilling!

Florenc Bullis Author of "Welcome Holy Spirit"

Looking for a small group devotional for your church?

I invite you to purchase a copy of

“Welcome Holy Spirit” ISBN 978-1-64773-566-1

This book is available at and Barnes and Noble

I invite you to give a Youtube viewing to Florence as she describes the book here:

Oh yes...Florence is quite delightful as a person herself!

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Putnamville Ice Cream Social and Historic Tour June 27





SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 2021

12:00-2:30 P.M.


Please join us at the historic Putnamville United Methodist Church for our Annual Ice Cream Social.  Listed on the Register of Historic Places, this church was built in 1834.  Enjoy ice cream; hot dogs; pie; drinks, and more for a good will donation.  The United Methodist Women (a compassionate service group) will hold a bake sale at the social.  Music will be provided by The Sisters of Grace.


You are also invited to tour the 1884 Dr. Horn Office/Putnamville Museum and the Townsend/Layman Museum, an 1828 reconstructed Summer Kitchen for the Townsend Inn and former residence of freed slaves.  The museums are located directly north of the church on the Putnamville Village Green.


**Canned goods for the Emergency Food Pantry will be gratefully accepted.

Putnamville United Methodist Church is located at the

SE corner of HWY 40 and SR 243 in Putnamville.

 It is a bit north-east of Terre Haute along the Indiana National Road( US 40)

 Give them a visit.

And tell them Mike sent you!

 The following photos are from my visit in 2018…