Saturday, March 25, 2023

Transforming Society is About Conversion Rather Than Coercion


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I recently saw a question on Facebook put forth to pastors from a pastor…”Do you preach with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other?”

Of course, the responses were varied, opposing, and generally “all over the place”.

I typically stay away from the newspaper when preaching and I encourage others to stay away from it for church and congregational purposes.

The Biblical church was not and should not be today about attempting to influence or change society or culture through force of government or indoctrination in schools, or even shaming.

Moses and the prophets declared their messages to Israel/Judah, not the world at large. Paul wrote to churches about misconduct. Peter wrote to Christians. Peter, when declaring "We must obey God rather than men.", was speaking to religious authorities, not the Roman government. 

The Biblical model is about the people of faith getting our own house in order.

Attempting to impose upon the culture at large or individuals what is in essence a matter of personal conviction is simply not the mission of the church or the great commission declared by Jesus.

Matthew 28: . 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

The mission of the church is to make the argument, prove the case, bear personal witness on the merits and credibility of Christ.

As the church makes disciples, as those disciples learn the teachings of Jesus, the culture around us transforms naturally and authentically, without imposition or coercion.

I assert that it is a matter of poor stewardship of time, pulpit, money, and other resources for a church or pastor to point accusatory fingers toward society at large as if we were  modern day Pharisees.

If you feel a call to prophet preaching, preach to the church.

The congregation and the individual Christian more effectively build the church, and thereby transform society more genuinely, by using all of those resources to make more disciples and by becoming more like Jesus in attitude, behavior, and word.

Making society in the image of the church begins with making the church more like Jesus.

Transforming society to church and Biblical image is about conversion rather than coercion.