Wednesday, September 20, 2023

God's compassion for Animals


Greetings Sisters and Brother of Godly compassion…

Jonah 4:11 And should I not be concerned about Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand persons who do not know their right hand from their left, and also many animals?"

Today I assert God’s care and compassion for animals.

Was God being trivial when he mentioned animals to Jonah? I think not. The animals are mentioned right along with the city of Nineveh and more than one hundred twenty thousand people who seem to be ignorant of their sin or undirected toward righteousness.

And God cares about all of them!

To reinforce the idea that God cares about animals, let me remind you that they too are to be given rest on the Sabbath…

Exodus 20: but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals,

There are other instances, particularly in Psalms in which animals are mentioned in good regard.

Think about it, when you find a gift for a young child, often it is a stuffed animal, bear, bunny, chimpanzee, dog, cat. We seem to have a built-in knowledge that animals are creatures of consolation and protection.

From the Social Principles of the United Methodist Church (official position statements of the church), which I teach at Lay Academies…

Animal Life

We support regulations that protect and conserve the life and health of animals, including those ensuring the humane treatment of pets, domesticated animals, animals used in research, wildlife, and the painless slaughtering of meat animals, fish, and fowl. We recognize unmanaged and managed commercial, multinational, and corporate exploitation of wildlife and the destruction of the ecosystems on which they depend threatens the balance of natural systems, compromises biodiversity, reduces resilience, and threatens ecosystem services. We encourage commitment to effective implementation of national and international governmental and business regulations and guidelines for the conservation of all animal species with particular support to safeguard those threatened with extinction.

My pastory statement is this…a genuine respect for God and all that he has created, which he declared “good”, includes at least an appreciation and gratitude for the pets he brings into our homes, the various foods which nurture us, such as chicken, beef, fish, and the work animals such as horses. We still measure automotive force by “horsepower”.

Sherry and I have four cats.

It is appropriate to be thankful for our pets.

Peace, Mike