Saturday, December 23, 2023

Celebrating Religious Freedom, Personal Conscience, American Integrity


holiday focused postage stamps available at USPS

My patriotism rests, in much part, on the first amendment to the Constitution which provides Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

As a child living in Detroit during the 1960s, I was introduced to many different faiths. Of course, there were, as now, the many different denominational takes on Christian faith. But also, the kid that lived next door was Egyptian Muslim. A girl in my class at school was Saudi Arabian Muslim. I had Jewish friends.

I loved having discussions about our differing faiths. My faith grew richer and deeper by hearing their faith stories, traditions, and customs.

“This is America!” I excitedly thought.

I was, and am, proud to be a citizen of a nation that respects personal conscience so deeply that it is written into our very fundamental social contract known as the United States Constitution.

Other nations assert a State religion. For the United Kingdom it is the Church of England, for Argentina, the Roman Catholic, for Denmark, the Lutheran Church. And of, course Muslim nations assert the Islamic faith.

But here in America, your faith and religion are a matter of your personal conscience.

Religion is neither imposed upon you nor is it prohibited of you.

This is America! I vigorously assert.

Oh, there are voices claiming that there is some sort of suppression of religion happening in America. I suspect those voices are merely stirring the pot of electoral politics.

Far from suppression, many faiths, positions of conscience, are affirmed even by The United States Post Office as you can see by the availability of holiday-focused stamps.

From my childhood in Detroit to this day, my patriotism rests upon the Constitution and especially the first amendment.

The Constitution is the national and social contract by which we all get along.

I pray that in 2024 we all get along like 1960s Detroit elementary school kids talking about our different faiths across a table at lunch time.

This is America! I proudly proclaim!